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Communication and Media, Journalism Specialization, BA


This specialization prepares the student for the news professions in a variety of media channels, including newspapers, magazines, books, radio, television, and the Internet. Job roles include news writer, columnist, editorialist, reporter, copy editor, section editor, managing editor, editor-in-chief, broadcast reporter, television news anchor, news director, and webmaster and blogger.

Requirements for the Major (13 courses/39 credit hours)

A. Introductory Courses: 
All Communication and Media majors, Journalism specialization majors are required to take the following four courses, normally completed by the end of sophomore year: 

      • CM 201- Media Writing
      • CM 202- Digital Tools
      • CM 203- Introduction to Communication
      • CM 308- Multimedia Storytelling

Note: If a student adds another specialization, especially advertising/public relations, they will need to take CM307: Fundamentals of Advertising & Public Relations as 5th introductory course. 

B. Intermediate Courses:
Majors must take a combination of eight 300- and 400-level communication courses, one of which must be a diversity-Justice (DJ) designated communication and media course, and at least three courses in Journalism specialization. Majors may choose a second specialization. 

  • B.1: Specialization Courses (3 courses/9 credit hours): Students specializing in Journalism can select 3 courses from the following options: 
      • CM 301 -  News Reporting and Writing 
      • CM 303 - Media Ethics 
      • CM 304 - Business Journalism 
      • CM 311 -   Radio Storytelling 
      • CM 316 -  Travel Reporting 
      • CM 324 - Video I 
      • CM 333 - Backpack Video Production 
      • CM 340 - Advanced TV Reporting and News Producing 
      • CM 353 - Video II 
      • CM 361 -  Copy Editing 
      • CM 362 - Arts and Entertainment Media 
      • CM 365 - Podcasting and Long-Form Digital Audio 
      • CM 367 - Sports Writing 
      • CM 372 - Studio Television Production 
      • CM 374 - Documentary Production 
      • CM 376 - Media Training 
      • CM 381 -  Photojournalism 
      • CM 382 - Introduction to Book Publishing 
      • CM 387 - Book Publishing: Manuscript Evaluation and Development 
      • CM 389 - Media Presence and Performance 
      • CM 390 - Creative Media Producing 
      • CM 391 -  Greyhound News 
  • B.2: CM Elective Courses (5 courses/15 credit hours):

Communication and Media majors with one specialization need to take 5 300-level CM courses from any area of specialization (including more courses from their area of specialization). Also, a 3-credit internship course (CM420) can be counted as an elective (students are allowed to use a maximum 6 credit hours for internship). 

Students pursuing a double specialization in communication and media may need to take 1 – 2 CM elective course. Students with digital media and Ad/PR will need to complete 2 CM elective courses. Students with Journalism and digital media or Ad/PR will need to complete only 1 CM elective course. 

C. Senior Capstone Course: Students must take one senior capstone course in the Journalism specialization for which all prerequisites are met.

      • CM 400 - Senior Capstone in Multimedia Journalism

Note: CM majors with a double specialization may have more capstone options, especially CM403: Senior Capstone in Advertising and CM404: Senior Capstone in Public Relations.