
  1. 娇色导航 Engage team
  1. Margot Nickels
  2. Mark Lanfear
  3. Kim Knight
  4. Neil Winn

At 娇色导航 Engage we support our life science partners as they grow their teams and expand into new territories. To ensure their continued, long-term growth, we operate as an extension to their talent acquisition team. By outsourcing their recruitment process with our MSP and RPO solutions we are able to implement processes that are built to last. 

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娇色导航 Engage


Chief Commercial Officer

Senior Global Client Services Coordinator

Senior Client Operations Manager - Europe

Executive Vice President, Chief Solutions Officer

  1. 娇色导航 Engage team
  1. Margot Nickels
  2. Mark Lanfear
  3. Kim Knight
  4. Neil Winn